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User Mentions Improvements mdandu
Improvements to XenForo's user mentions system
[cv6] Letter Index mdandu
adds a letter index filter to forum and/or resource category
Posts of the Week mdandu
Most reacted posts in the week.
Activity Watcher mdandu
See when active posters become not active
D.C Style - Unique Field mdandu
Any new content with this field value will have to be unique
[021] XenForo WebSockets mdandu
Adds websocket technology to the forum
Hide Adverts mdandu
Add a permission setting to control who can hide adverts
[TH] Nodes for grid, custom styling, and custom icons mdandu
Easily style your nodes and arrange them into a grid
Restrict Browsing For Unverified Email Users mdandu
This addon will gives you the ability to restrict browsing
[Xen-Soluce] Copy Categories - XFRM mdandu
Allow you to copy your categories for the XFRM when creating new categories
[Xen-Soluce] Copy Categories - XFMG mdandu
Allow you to copy your categories for the XFMG when creating new categories
Hide Sidebar mdandu
Hide sidebar on selected nodes
[cXF] Remove quote reply in first post only mdandu
Remove reply by quoting message in first post only
[Andrew] Bookmark Users mdandu
Bookmark users using the built in Xenforo bookmarking system
Countdown timer mdandu
Displays a Countdown timer widget
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