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Specific prefix : Show all XF Addon [2.2.X] 
Admin User Notes mdandu
Add-on to allow administrators to set notes on user accounts
[OzzModz] Email Validator: mdandu
Adds integration with Bouncer email verification service
[OzzModz] Job Runner Manager mdandu
Allows to see a list of currently running jobs and manage them
Remove image metadata mdandu
Removes image metadata from media gallery
[DBTech] DragonByte WebP mdandu
Adds WebP support for XenForo Image Uploader and image processing libraries
Share via QR Code mdandu
Shows QR button as share option
[TC] Sticky Resources mdandu
Sticking resources in a category
[OzzModz] New Icon For Unread Posts mdandu
Make new posts stand out
[XenCustomize] Ad Between The Posts mdandu
Place ads effortlessly between the posts
[OzzModz] Thread Prefix Forces Thread Type mdandu
Forces the discussion type for new threads with the selected prefixes
[XTR] Rich Username Plus mdandu
Allows users to change the color of their own username
[OzzModz] Gamer Profiles mdandu
Display gamer profiles in various areas